Share Registry
Wairarapa Moana Incorporation is made up of a total of 50,000,000 shares. The number of shareholders is constantly growing as the number of descendants of the original owners increase.
Currently there is over 3,800 shareholders who are descendants of the original 139 owners. The amount of dividends paid is dependent on the amount of shares each shareholder has.
Our shareholders and whānau are important to us. Our office based at Wairarapa Moana House in Masterton plays an important role supporting and connecting with our shareholders and whānau.
We continue to develop and strengthen relationships through the use of the website, the Moana Mailer newsletter, Facebook, the pre-agm roadshows and the annual general meeting.
The office provides secretarial and administration services to the Committee of Management, a share registry service to shareholders and a support service to the whānau of shareholders.
If your contact details are kept up to date you will readily receive information about Wairarapa Moana activities as well as the payment of dividends.
Successions are processed by the Māori Land Court.
Another issue to consider is fragmentation of shares. Fragmentation of shares occurs when a shareholder’s shares are succeeded to by his or her descendants. For example if a shareholder owned 5 shares and had 5 children; after the succession was processed by the Māori Land Court each of the 5 children would receive 1 share each. Over the generations, shares become smaller and smaller as descendants succeed to their individual shares.
To prevent fragmentation of shares, whānau may consider forming a Whānau Trust. Wairarapa Moana Incorporation has a minimum shareholding of 1,000 shares.
Shareholder Forms
To update your details on our Share Register, a Shareholder Information form is to be completed and returned to us. You can download a form and send it to us once completed.
Shareholder Form Whanau/Estate/Kaitiaki Trust Form
Your completed form must:
- Be signed and dated;
- provide a copy of your Photo Identification (eg. your Driver’s License or Passport); and
- provide confirmation from your Bank that the account number is correct.
Missing Shareholders
Wairarapa Moana Incorporation have a considerable amount of funds held in unpaid dividends. You or a whānau member might be entitled to these dividends.
Trying to find missing shareholders is a constant challenge. Shareholders can help by keeping their contact details current and or by establishing a whānau trust to keep the shares together.
As a result of missing shareholders we are holding nearly $3,300,000 in unpaid dividends.
If you recognise anyone on this list please contact us.