Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini.
My strength is not that of a single person but of a collective effort necessary for success.Wairarapa Moana
Wairarapa Moana provides opportunities and support to the whakapapa descendants of the original 139 owners of Wairarapa Moana.
Our focus includes the following portfolios:
- Education, provision of grants and scholarships; leadership and attendance at various wānanga;
- Marae Development, provision of grants and training to support the maintenance and development of our six tīpuna marae and their trustees;
- Wairarapa Moanatanga, provision of projects that revive and retain our waiata and purakau; that teach customary practises of tikanga, kawa and kaitiakitanga; that enhance mana tangata; and whanaungatanga, to understand our whakapapa to each other.
Our portfolios embrace the strategic outcomes of:
- Whanaungatanga
- Leadership
- Pride in our Marae
- Cultural Wellbeing